About us
Youngs Memorial Cemetery is a non-profit organization that dates back to the 17th century. It is the final resting place of Theodore Roosevelt and attracts thousands of visitors every year. It is also the burial place of a number of T.R.’s descendants, as well as those of Thomas Youngs, a mariner who settled in Oyster Bay around 1650. Members of other early Oyster Bay families are also buried at Youngs. The cemetery is overseen by a board of trustees and maintained by a superintendent, in cooperation with the adjacent Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary. There are no burial plots currently for sale, but we do offer columbarium niches.
Edward C. Mohlenhoff, President & Trustee
Philip J. Roosevelt, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Elizabeth E. Roosevelt, Co-Secretary & Trustee
Jason E. Bruder, Co-Secretary & Trustee
Stephen B. Jeffries, Treasurer & Trustee
Rosemary Bourne, Trustee
Gary Clinton, Trustee
Melissa Jackson, Trustee
Melanie Jackson, Trustee
Amanda R. Morgan, Trustee
Quentin Morgan, Trustee
Andrew E. Roosevelt, Trustee
Maxwell J. Roosevelt, Trustee
Michael Roosevelt, Trustee
Tweed Roosevelt, Trustee
Jack Seaman, Trustee
Bradford Youngs, Trustee
Janean Youngs, Trustee
Norman S. Youngs, Trustee
Walter C. Youngs, Trustee
Paula Youngs Weir, Trustee
Janice Youngs, Trustee

Youngs Memorial Cemetery is open to visitors all year from about 9.am. to dusk, weather permitting. Admission is free and parking is available at the foot of the hill.
Northern State Parkway to Exit 35N or Long Island Expressway to 41N. Then Route 106 North for six miles to downtown Oyster Bay. Turn right onto E. Main Street and drive 2 miles. Cemetery is on right just before fork in road. (Go left at the fork to reach Sagamore Hill, about a mile down Cove Neck Road.)